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Rust Software

Completed :

Education Project | Command-Line Rust: Chapter 2: Echor Project |2023|


Technology: Rust Programming Language

Crate(s): clap = "2.33"

Github Repo

Description: This software is a mini-copy of the echo program made by the Berkeley Software Distribution. This program accepts arguments and writes them to the standard output. This was a beginner project that explored using the clap(Command Line Argument Parser) to handle and ouput arguments as well as organizing a basic help menu.

In Progress :

Education Project | Zero To Production: Newsletter API | 2023 |


Technology: Rust Programming Language

Crate(s): actix-web = "4" | tokio = "1"

Github Repo

Description:This project was started to help me better my knowledge of backend-development using the Rust ecosystem. The end-result will be a fast, secure, and hopefully bug free newsletter that I plan on attaching to my main website. The project follows the book Zero to Production by Luca Palmieri.

Education Project | Philipp Oppermann: Operating System in Rust | 2023 |


Technology: Rust Programming Language

Crate(s): bootloader = "0.9.23"

Github Repo

Description:This project is dedicated to creating a basic operating system in the Rust programming language. The project starts with creating a freestanding Rust binary, travels through interrupts, memory management, and lastly multitasking. I too was inspired when I read about Linus Torvalds's creation of the Linux Kernel, and that paired with my current curiosity about how computers work from the lowest level has led me to take quite the gander at what it takes to create an operating system specifically in Rust. The project follows the work of Philipp Oppermann.


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